Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Well 2009 has been a tough year for me personally but I have come through it hopefully stronger, wiser and more committed. And one commitment or resolution I have made to myself for 2010 is to Blog more. I hope I can achieve what I set out to accomplish with this Blog which was to pass on information on how to source local and seasonal food, how to prepare it and when local is not possible other ethical options available.

I have been living by these tenets for the last three years and I am amazed how much better I feel in myself and also how much cheaper and satisfying it is.

This I managed two major tasks, firstly I started a garden (and an associated compost heap to maintain it). I managed to grow a lot of food and discovered that in this area growing things isn't really the problem, ensuring that you are the one that actually get to eat most of it is! I also starting to Brew beer again a craft I gave up in my twenties.

More on the above and other things in future posts.

happy new year everyone. here's to an amazing 2010

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